Call for Papers
The 2nd Summer Meeting in Urban Economics, China is scheduled to take place at the Guanghua School of Management, Peking University in Beijing, on Wednesday the 28th and Thursday the 29th of August 2024. The meeting will include a reception on Wednesday night and will include keynote lectures given by distinguished scholars in the urban field.
We invite the submission of high-quality papers dealing with the economics of cities, housing, real estate, transportation, local public good provision, the spatial distribution of activities, economic geography, and urban or regional policy. Papers from allied fields, such as labor, public, trade, and development, are also welcome if they have clear relevance to urban economics. We especially encourage submission of research on urban issues in China, Asia and developing countries.
Local organizers: Qinghua Zhang, Fei Teng, Wei You, Cong Peng, Yao Tang, Qi Wu, Yu Yang,
Program Committee: Qinghua Zhang (PKU, Chair), Yu Qin (National University of Singapore, Vice Chair), Wei You (PKU, Vice Chair), Panle Jia Barwick (University of Wisconsin), Shiyu Bo (Jinan University), Yongheng Deng (University of Wisconsin), Shihe Fu (Wuhan University), Li Gan (Texas A&M University and Southwestern Uni. of Finance and Economics), Yizhen Gu (PKU-PHBS), Lu Han (University of Wisconsin), Vernon Henderson (London School of Economics), Jing Li (Singapore Management University), Shanjun Li (Cornell University), Ming Lu (Shanghai Jiaotong University), Yi Lu (Tsinghua University), Matthew Turner (Brown University), Zhi Wang (Fudan University), Jing Wu (Tsinghua University), Qi Wu (PKU), Junfu Zhang (Clark University), Siqi Zheng (MIT), Ben Zou (Purdue University)
Submission: If you are interested in presenting a paper this year, please send a PDF version to We accept the submission of extended abstracts. However, all else equal, preference will be given to completed papers.
Submission Deadline: Sunday, June 9, 2024. You will be notified regarding the acceptance on June 30, 2024.