·       Zhang Lei, Yuyu Chen, He Zongyan,“The effect of investment tax incentives: evidence from China's value-added tax reform",International Tax and Public Finance

·       Liutang Gong, Shi Feng, Wang Chan, "Optimal fiscal and monetary policy with durable goods",Annals of Economics and Finance

·       Xing Li, Megan MacGarvie, Petra Moser, "Dead poets' property -- how does copyright influence price?",RAND Journal of Economics

·       Juanjuan Meng, Xi Weng, "Can prospect theory explain the disposition effect? A new perspective on reference points",Management Science

·       Liang James, Hui Wang, Lazear Edward P., "Demographics and entrepreneurship",Journal of Political Economy

·       Hongbin Cai, Feng Hong, Xi Weng, "A theory of organizational dynamics: internal politics and efficiency",American Economic Journal-Microeconomics

·       Wu Zenan, Xi Weng, "Managerial turnover and entrenchment",Journal of Economics & Management Strategy

·       Rocheteau Guillaume, Wright Randall, Sylvia Xiaolin Xiao, "Open market operations",Journal of Monetary Economics

·       Xing Weibo, Qinghua Zhang, "The effects of vertical and horizontal incentives on local tax efforts: evidence from China",Applied Economics

·       Cao Yujin, Chen Jidong, Qinghua Zhang, "Housing investment in urban China",Journal of Comparative Economics

·       Gan Li, Wang Pengfei, Qinghua Zhang, "Market thickness and the impact of unemployment on housing market outcomes",Journal of Monetary Economics

·       Xu Yangfei, Qinghua Zhang, Zheng Siqi, Zhu Guozhong, "House age price and rent: implications from land-structure decomposition",Journal of Real Estate Finance and Economics

·       Xing Weibo, Lian Zhou, "Bilateral trust and trade: evidence from China",World Economy

·       Qiu Yumou, Songxi Chen, Nettleton Dan, "Detecting rare and faint signals via thresholding maximum likelihood estimators",Annals of Statistics

·       Chen Lei, Guo Bin, Huang Jiasheng, He Jing, Wang Hengfang, Zhang Shuyi, Songxi Chen, "Assessing air-quality in Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region: The method and mixed tales of PM2.5 and O-3",Atmospheric Environment

·       Jing He, Songxi Chen, "High-dimensional two-sample covariance matrix testing via super-diagonals",Statistica Sinica

·       Wang Miao, Zhi Geng, Eric J Tchetgen Tchetgen, "Identifying causal effects with proxy variables of an unmeasured confounder",Biometrika

·       Wang Miao, Eric Tchetgen Tchetgen, "Identification and inference with nonignorable missing covariate data",Statistica Sinica

·       Baoluo Sun, Lan Liu, Wang Miao, Kathleen Wirth, James Robin, Eric J. Tchetgen Tchetgen, "Semiparametric estimation with data missing not at random using an instrumental variable",Statistica Sinica

·       Xiaojun Song, Taamouti Abderrahim, "Measuring nonlinear granger causality in mean",Journal of Business & Economic Statistics

·       Delgado Miguel A., Xiaojun Song, "Nonparametric tests for conditional symmetry",Journal of Econometrics

·       Huang Danyang, Chang Xiangyu, Hansheng Wang, "Spatial autoregression with repeated measurements for social networks",Communications in Statistics-Theory and Methods

·       Cai Wei, Guan Guoyu, Pan Rui, Zhu Xuening, Hansheng Wang, "Network linear discriminant analysis",Computational Statistics & Data Analysis

·       Lan Wei, Fang Zheng, Hansheng Wang, Tsai Chih-Ling, "Covariance matrix estimation via network structure",Journal of Business & Economic Statistics

·       Xu Ke, Sun Luping, Liu Jingchen, Hansheng Wang, "An empirical investigation of taxi driver response behavior to ride-hailing requests: a spatio-temporal perspective",Plos One

·       Huang Danyang, Zhou Jing, Guan Guoyu, Hansheng Wang, "Network-based naive Bayes model for social network",Science China-Mathematics

·       Wei Lan, Yingying Ma, Junlong Zhao, Hansheng Wang, Chih-Ling Tsai, "Sequential model averaging for high dimensional linear regression models",Statistica Sinica

·       Pan Rui, Guan Rong, Zhu Xuening, Hansheng Wang, “A latent moving average model for network regression”,Statistics and its Interface

·       Zhou Jing, Huang Da, Hansheng Wang, "A note on estimating network dependence in a discrete choice model",Statistics and its Interface

·       Huang Mian, Wang Shaoli, Hansheng Wang, Jin Tian, "Maximum smoothed likelihood estimation for a class of semiparametric Pareto mixture densities",Statistics and its Interface

·       Ho Chun-Yu, Wang Wei, Jihai Yu, "International knowledge spillover through trade: a time-varying spatial panel data approach",Economics Letters

·       Xinyu Zhang, Jihai Yu, "Spatial weights matrix selection and model averaging for spatial autoregressive models",Journal of Econometrics

·       Yang Yang, Wang Feifei, Junni Zhang, Xu Jin, Yu Philip S, "A topic model for co-occurring normal documents and short texts",World Wide Web-Internet and Web Information Systems

·       Jia Chen, Jiang Jiajun, Yu-jane Liu, "Financial literacy and gender difference in loan performance",Journal of Empirical Finance

·       Bing Han, Lu Han, Guozhong Zhu, "Housing price and fundamentals in a transition economy: the case of the Beijing market",International Economic Review

·       Feng Yi, Gao Zhijun, Wanjun Jiang, "What attracts China's contracts to Latin America and the Caribbean? An empirical study of the determinants of Chinese contracts",Economic and Political Studies-Eps

·       Qi Liu, Lu Lei, Sun Bo, "Incentive contracting under ambiguity aversion",Economic Theory

·       Qi Liu, Bo Sun, "Managerial manipulation, corporate governance, and limited market participation",Journal of Economic Dynamics & Control

·       Laura Xiaolei Liu, Mao Mike Qinghao, Nini Greg, "Customer risk and corporate financial policy: evidence from receivables securitization",Journal of Corporate Finance

·       Chan Konan, Chen Hung-Kun, Hu Shing-yang, Yu-Jane Liu, "Share pledges and margin call pressure",Journal of Corporate Finance

·       Francesco Bova, Liyan Yang, "State-owned enterprises, competition and disclosure",Contemporary Accounting Research

·       Bin Li, Xinxin Li, Hongju Liu, "Consumer preferences cannibalization and competition: evidence from the personal computer industry",MIS Quarterly

·       Zheng Xiaoying, Baskin Ernest, Siqing Peng, "The spillover effect of incidental social comparison on materialistic pursuits: the mediating role of envy",European Journal of Marketing

·       Zheng Xiaoying, Baskin Ernest, Siqing Peng, "Feeling inferior showing off: The effect of nonmaterial social comparisons on conspicuous consumption",Journal of Business Research

·       Qiaowei Shen, Villas-Boas J. Miguel, "Behavior-based advertising",Management Science

·       Li Hui, Qiaowei Shen, Bart Yakov, "Local market characteristics and online-to-offline commerce: an empirical analysis of groupon",Management Science

·       Xiaoling Li, Xinjian Li, Rui Wang, "An investigation on incentive strategies in community building in business-to-business electronic markets",Journal of Business-to-Business Marketing

·       Li Xinjian, Qiao Hong, Rui Wang, Li Fei, Li Xiaoling, "Spatio-temporal data mining and modeling: distribution pattern and governance input efficiency of heavy metal emission in industrial wastewater, China",Journal of Water and Climate Change

·       Gao Hongzhi, Tate Mary, Hongxia Zhang, Chen Shijiao, Liang Bing, "Social media ties strategy in international branding: an application of resource-based theory",Journal of International Marketing

·       Liu Jingchen, Xin Zhai, Lihua Chen, "The interaction between product rollover strategy and pricing scheme",International Journal of Production Economics

·       Liu Huihui, Ming Lei, Tao Huang, Leong G. Keong, "Refurbishing authorization strategy in the secondary market for electrical and electronic products",International Journal of Production Economics

·       Chong Wang, Zhang Xiaoquan, Hann Il-Horn, "Socially nudged: a quasi-experimental study of friends' social influence in online product ratings",Information Systems Research

·       Tang Xuan, Xiaona Zheng, "Optimal pricing when rational consumers anticipate monitoring cost",Applied Economics

·       Xiaona Zheng, Sun Luping, Tsay Andy A, "Distribution channel strategies and retailer collusion in a supply chain with multiple retailers",Asia-Pacific Journal of Operational Research

·       Zhang Lin, Cui Lin, Li Sali, Jiangyong Lu, "Who rides the tide of regionalization: examining the effect of the China-ASEAN Free Trade Area on the exports of Chinese firms",International Business Review

·       Krieg Alexander, Li Ma, Robinson Patricia, "Making a good impression at work: national differences in employee impression management behaviors in Japan, Korea, and the United States",Journal of Psychology

·       Jingjing Yao, Li Ma, Lin Zhang, "From lab experiments to real negotiations: an investigation of international iron ore negotiations",Negotiation Journal

·       Run Ren, Aneika Simmons, Asghar Zardkoohi, "Testing the effects of experience on risky decision making",American Journal of Management

·       Qin Xin, Run Ren, Zhixue Zhang, Johnson Russell E., "Considering self-interests and symbolism together: how instrumental and value-expressive motives interact to influence supervisors' justice behavior",Personnel Psychology

·       Li Ran, Hui Wang, Huang Mingpeng, "From empowerment to multilevel creativity: the role of employee self-perceived status and feedback-seeking climate",Journal of Leadership & Organizational Studies

·       Ahlstrom David, Yang Xiaohua, Wang Liang, Changqi Wu, "A global perspective of entrepreneurship and innovation in China",Multinational Business Review

·       Jiang Han, Xia Jun, Cannella Albert A., Ting Xiao, "Do ongoing networks block out new friends? Reconciling the embeddedness constraint dilemma on new alliance partner addition",Strategic Management Journal

·       Hu Qiongjing, Yanlong Zhang, Yao Jingjing, "Family involvement in middle management and its impact on the labor productivity of family firms",Management and Organization Review

·       Li Ting, Yang Yang Claire, Yanlong Zhang, "Culture, economic development, social-network type, and mortality: evidence from Chinese older adults",Social Science & Medicine

·       J Wang, Yanlong Zhang, D Guthrie, "Economic openness and institutional embeddedness: global capital and firm performance in China's stock market",Social Science Quarterly

·       Nauck Bernhard, Qiang Ren, "Coresidence in the transition to adulthood: the case of the United States, Germany, Taiwan and China",Chinese Sociological Review

·       Weixiang Luo, Yu Xie, "Variation in the education gradient of body weight in contemporary China”, Chinese Journal of Sociology

·       Jia Yu, Yu Xie, "Motherhood penalties and living arrangements in China",Journal of Marriage and Family

·       Xin Zhao, Yi Zhou, Huaqing Tan, Haoxiang Lin, "Spillover effects of children’s political status on elderly parents’ health in China",Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health

·       陈磊,Rajiv D. Banker,“战略视角下的成本管理研究——反思、框架与展望”,中国管理会计

·       樊帅,高博楠,姜国华,“价值投资:会计信息价值相关性累积效应研究”,会计研究

·       王百强,孙昌玲,伍利娜,姜国华,“企业纳税支出粘性研究:基于政府税收征管的视角”,会计研究

·       黎文靖,饶品贵,罗勇根,陈冬华,姜国华,“实现以宏观为视野、微观为落脚点的研究——第六届宏观经济政策与微观企业行为研讨会综述”,经济研究

·       陆正飞,“对会计的制度逻辑和本质的思考——《公允价值计量与金融市场风险》一书评析”,财务与会计

·       钟覃琳,陆正飞,“资本市场开放能提高股价信息含量吗?——基于‘沪港通’效应的实证检验”,管理世界

·       刘行,叶康涛,陆正飞,“加速折旧政策与企业投资——基于‘准自然实验’的经验证据”,经济学(季刊)

·       赵健宇,陆正飞,“养老保险缴费比例会影响企业生产效率吗?”,经济研究

·       杨文君,陆正飞,“知识产权资产、研发投入与市场反应”,会计与经济研究

·       罗棪心,麻志明,王亚平,“券商跟踪海外上市公司对国内分析师盈余预测准确性的影响”,金融研究

·       郭放,王立彦,“独立董事特征与两个任期内监督效果变化”,产业经济评论

·       李伟,韩晓梅,吴联生,“审计投入的产出效应”,会计研究

·       罗棪心,伍利娜,“资本市场开放对公司审计的影响——基于‘陆港通’背景的实证研究”,审计研究

·       汪剑锋,张然,“私募股权投资特征会影响其减持行为吗”,当代财经

·       汪荣飞,张然,“基本面分析在中国A股市场有用吗?——来自季度财务报表的证据”,金融学季刊

·       陈硕,张然,陈思,“证券交易所年报问询函影响了审计收费吗?——基于沪深股市上市公司的经验证据”,经济经纬

·       Charles M.C.Lee,孙腾,汪荣飞,张然,“还在关注自选股?留心技术关联公司的表现”,清华金融评论

·       温莹,何柳,翟屹,吴静,陈玉宇,王辉,宗庆庆,梁晓峰,“流行性感冒病毒裂解疫苗和23价肺炎球菌多糖疫苗改善老年人慢性阻塞性肺疾病的社区干预试验”,中华流行病学杂志

·       王刚,龚六堂,“浅析高速铁路对‘一带一路’沿线区域产业发展的影响”,产业经济评论

·       张开,龚六堂,“开放经济下的财政支出乘数研究——基于包含投入产出结构DSGE模型的分析”,管理世界

·       余靖雯,陈晓光,龚六堂,“财政压力如何影响了县级政府公共服务供给?”,金融研究

·       倪红福,龚六堂,夏杰长,“什么削弱了中国出口价格竞争力?——基于全球价值链分行业实际有效汇率新方法”,经济学(季刊)

·       吴立元,龚六堂,“异质性与货币政策传导机制研究进展”,经济学动态

·       高然,陈忱,曾辉,龚六堂,“信贷约束、影子银行与货币政策传导”,经济研究

·       石峰,王忏,龚六堂,“汇率传递异质性、中间品贸易与中国货币政策”,世界经济

·       倪红福,龚六堂,陈湘杰,“全球价值链中的关税成本效应分析——兼论中美贸易摩擦的价格效应和福利效应”,数量经济技术经济研究

·       厉以宁,“企业家的使命是创新——兼论效率的源泉来自人们的积极性”,北京大学学报(哲学社会科学版)

·       厉以宁,“改革开放是如何起步的”,方圆

·       厉以宁,“贯彻新发展理念加快建设制造强国”,经济科学

·       厉以宁,“回眸40年,贯彻党的十九大·贯彻新发展理念,加快建设制造强国”,经济科学

·       厉以宁,“改革并不是不要农民,改革需要新农民”,农村工作通讯

·       厉以宁,“企业家精神必须跟实体结合在一起”,企业观察家

·       蒋旭,陈流芳,张五常,周小川,厉以宁,汪应洛,曾仕强,孙东升,薛村禾,唐浩明,“LNG混合制冷流程的操作变量研究综述”,气体分离

·       厉以宁,“厉以宁:中国现在需要培养大量的、新的民营企业”,商业观察

·       厉以宁,“创新更多来自信息重组”,支点

·       厉以宁,“富二代不愿接班怎么办?”,中国经济信息

·       厉以宁,“新旧发展方式更替是一场革命”,中国经济信息

·       厉以宁,“中国改革开放是这样起步的”,中国经济信息

·       厉以宁,“摆脱路径依赖在新思路指导下前进”,中国经贸导刊

·       刘学,林菀娟,刘洋,“复杂专业领域的技术创业战略——基于制药产业的研究”,清华管理评论

·       翁翕,尹训东,许敏波,“个体学习与新体验品的动态定价:连续统消费者的情形”,经济学报

·       颜色,郭凯明,杭静,“需求结构变迁、产业结构转型和生产率提高”,经济研究

·       颜色,郭凯明,“海南经济再出发”,中国外资

·       章铮,“高龄农民工为啥儿女社保双不靠”,当代工人

·       白惠天,周黎安,“M型结构的形成:1955—1978年地方分权与地方工业的兴起”,经济学报

·       吴敏,周黎安,“晋升激励与城市建设:公共品可视性的视角”,经济研究

·       周黎安,“‘官场+市场’与中国增长故事“,社会

·       黄晓春,周黎安,“政府治理机制转型与社会组织发展”,社会科学文摘

·       李晨煦,李辰旭,“随机杠杆效应对隐含波动率曲面期限结构的影响分析”,金融学季刊

·       苗旺,刘春辰,耿直,“因果推断的统计方法”,中国科学:数学

·       王汉生,“朴素的数据价值观”,新经济导刊

·       吴涵卿,徐敏亚,刘古权,“数字化协同催升企业绩效”,董事会

·       董晶,魏娜,张俊妮,“基于社交网络的组织非正式沟通实证研究”,现代管理科学

·       曹凤岐,“发展现代人身保险,深化保险业供给侧改革”,金融论坛

·       曹凤岐,“中国资本市场的改革、创新与风险防范”,金融论坛

·       陈东杰,陈佳,刘力,“海归董事与投资者关系——基于2000—2012年A股上市公司的分析”,经济科学

·       贾春新,“一位经济学家眼中的历史——评曹凤岐教授自传《坦荡人生无悔路》”,当代金融家

·       韦汝虹,金李,方达,“基于GIS的中国城市房地产泡沫的空间传染性分析——以2006~2014年35个大中城市为例”,长江流域资源与环境

·       刘力,“中国思想世界学问”,群言

·       陈康,江嘉骏,刘琦,李欣,“空气质量、投资者情绪与股票收益率”,管理科学

·       陈康,刘琦,“股价信息含量与投资-股价敏感性——基于融资融券的准自然实验”,金融研究

·       刘俏,“更彻底的改革开放为经济现代化铺平道路”,经济参考报

·       刘俏,“中国金融学理论创新的新时代机遇”,人民日报、中国战略新兴产业

·       刘俏,“中国2035年很美好”,中国服饰

·       刘晓蕾,“区块链社区:一种新型的组织模式”,人民论坛·学术前沿

·       刘晓蕾,“比特币究竟是‘陷阱’还是‘馅饼’”,商业观察

·       彭俞超,黄娴静,沈吉,“房地产投资与金融效率——金融资源‘脱实向虚’的地区差异”,金融研究

·       钟宁桦,唐逸舟,王姝晶,沈吉,“散户投资者如何影响债券价格?——基于交易所同一只信用债的价格差分析”,金融研究

·       彭俞超,倪骁然,沈吉,“企业‘脱实向虚’与金融市场稳定——基于股价崩盘风险的视角”,经济研究

·       曹晶,杨百寅,王东,吴珂,“企业高管教育程度对其研发投入的影响——高管权力分布和企业所有制性质的调节作用”,技术经济

·       曹晶,杨百寅,王东,“民营高新企业高管权力对研发的影响”,企业经济

·       才国伟,吴华强,徐信忠,“政策不确定性对公司投融资行为的影响研究”,金融研究

·       余音,姚彤,张峥,江嘉骏,“期末溢价与基金家族策略——来自中国公募基金市场的证据”,金融研究

·       吴偎立,张峥,“分析师数量与分析师信息质量”,经济科学

·       李杨,符国群,“基于IAT的中国80后和90后原产国刻板印象研究”,管理评论

·       姜海纳,符国群,“家务劳动时间分配对提升家务劳动效率产品购买意愿的影响”,吉首大学学报(社会科学版)

·       张晓丹,符国群,李世豪,“家务劳动时间配置研究:回顾与展望”,珞珈管理评论

·       李杨,符国群,姜海纳,“中国城镇家庭结婚消费结构的区域差异分析”,消费经济

·       李世豪,张红霞,王雪芳,符国群,“接近还是远离--不同信息类型下孤独感对拟人化产品偏好的影响”,营销科学学报

·       符国群,“改善品牌发展环境提供公共服务平台”,中国中小企业

·       李达军,李飞,孙亚程,江明华,“‘致良知,知行合一’本真营销理论的构建——基于营销视角的多案例研究”,中国软科学杂志社

·       张楠,彭泗清,“求变中如何求真?——品牌发展与品牌本真性关系辨析”,湖北社会科学

·       冯文婷,彭泗清,涂荣庭,“品牌刻板印象对规避参照群体负面效应的调节作用——基于‘好’品牌遇上‘坏’群体的视角”,企业经济

·       郑晓莹,谢毅,彭泗清,“协同还是拮抗——消费者感知的企业产品能力与宣传能力对品牌资产的交互影响”,社会科学辑刊

·       张楠,彭泗清,“品牌本真性的三个层级与心理机制”,心理技术与应用

·       姚凯,涂平,陈宇新,苏萌,“基于多源大数据的个性化推荐系统效果研究”,管理科学

·       靳菲,涂平“受助者群体身份调节权力感对捐赠的影响”,管理学报

·       汪芸芳,陈丽华,王雯,“估时作业成本法在国际物流企业中的应用”,财会月刊

·       李守林,赵瑞,陈丽华,“基于ANP的物流成本影响因素研究分析”,工业技术经济

·       李守林,赵瑞,陈丽华,“基于灰色关联分析和TOPSIS的物流企业创新绩效评价”,工业技术经济

·       陈丽华,赵瑞,“30年后,国家高新区产业化服务体系再出发”,科技中国

·       陈丽华,鲁毅,“国家高新区产业化金融信用服务体系建设”,科技中国

·       郝兆伟,陈丽华,巩天啸,“资金约束、商业信用与供应链期权合约”,商业研究

·       李守林,赵瑞,陈丽华,“基于DEA的物流上市企业创新效率分析”,西部经济管理论坛

·       刘靓晨,陈丽华,翟昕,“企业考虑以旧换新时的最优产品更新换代策略”,管理学报

·       陈丽华,翟昕,刘靓晨,“基于策略型消费者行为和以旧换新的持续创新产品定价策略研究”,营销科学学报

·       戴亦舒,叶丽莎,董小英,“创新生态系统的价值共创机制——基于腾讯众创空间的案例研究”,研究与发展管理

·       戴亦舒,叶丽莎,董小英,胡燕妮,“CPS与未来制造业的发展:中德美政策与能力构建的比较研究”,中国软科学

·       孙博文,雷明,“市场分割、降成本与高质量发展:一个拓展新经济地理模型分析”,改革

·       李浩,雷明,李沙浪,“随机需求条件下收入共享供应链的O2O模式选择”,管理现代化

·       雷明,“新型城镇化、城乡融合发展与治理体系优化”,国家治理

·       雷明,马海超,李浩民,孙淑晓,“区域低碳发展及空间依赖——基于2005—2015年中国省级数据的分析”,科技导报

·       雷明,殷子涵,邓世杰,魏亚楠,钱武,李钊,“为何招标采购偏好‘低于均价中标法’”,南方经济

·       雷明,“深度扶贫关键在深”,人民论坛

·       雷明,“论习近平扶贫攻坚战略思想”,南京农业大学学报(社会科学版)

·       华胜亚,翟昕,“供应链中期权合约与混合合约决策选择”,管理科学学报

·       刘靓晨,翟昕,“竞争环境下的以旧换新策略”,中国管理科学

·       路江涌,“一张动物图鉴读懂管理学精华”,销售与市场(管理版)

·       王新超,“创业形态的行为角度分析”,互联网经济

·       王新超,“基业长青:从马云‘退休’看企业传承”,互联网经济

·       王新超,“快速学习提升创业组织创新能力”,互联网经济

·       阮文婧,武常岐,涂政,“中国企业出口优势升级路径及其影响机制——以通讯设备制造业为例”,国际经贸探索

·       张好雨,武常岐,“新经济视角下企业组织管理创新路径研究”,现代管理科学

·       武常岐,“问计境外经贸合作区”,中国外汇

·       齐宝鑫,武亚军,“转型经济中民营企业成长的中长期激励机制研究——华为推行TUP的产权制度创新实践与理论启示”,复旦学报(社会科学版)

·       齐宝鑫,武亚军,“战略管理视角下利益相关者理论的回顾与发展前瞻”,工业技术经济

·       张国有,“管理的动轮机制”,经济管理

·       魏昕,张志学,“团队的和谐型创新激情:前因、结果及边界条件”,管理世界

·       胡琼晶,路西,张志学,“群体背景下的自我监控:对个体地位获取和群体任务绩效的积极效应”,心理学报

·       高丹雪,张鸿,仲为国,“慈善捐赠与企业区域扩张”,经济管理

·       梁晨、董浩、李中清,“从看一幅画到做一幕戏:互联网时代历史教研新动向探微”,文史哲

·       谭华清,周羿,赵波,魏旭,“教育对城乡劳动力转移的影响及其机制”,财经研究

·       谢宇,“走出中国社会学本土化讨论的误区”,社会学研究

·       傅帅雄,“从简政放权看高校行政管理的创新转型”,教育探索

·       罗来军,刘凯,傅帅雄,“低碳总需求曲线利率效应、财富效应、汇率效应与税收效应的比较研究”,经济学(季刊)

·       傅帅雄“农业转移人口市民化的思考”,农业经济

·       傅帅雄,胡拥军,“农业转移人口市民化过程中政府新增成本支出研究”,经济体制改革

·       傅帅雄,“深度贫困地区扶贫开发思考——以四川凉山彝族自治州为例”,云南民族大学学报(哲学社会科学版)